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possible that you are being overexposed



possible that you are being overexposed

It can take the ear up to 16 hours to recover from exposure to noise levels of 100 db, sustained for one hour. Rock music is usually around the 110 db mark; according to government Wholesale Roman Blind Suppliers guides, this level of noise can cause hearing damage after approximately 2 minutes.The adage that prevention is better than cure can be no more appropriate when applied to hearing-damage; once hearing has been lost, there is no cure: the process is irreversible. But what about noise levels outside of the workplace?The human ear can tolerate noise of about 85 db for a period of around 8 hours.

There are even custom earplugs designed for musicians, which use a filter China Roller Shades Suppliers to allow higher frequencies to pass through, whilst still reducing the potential for ear-damage.The ear is one of our most sensitive pieces of equipment and must be treated with respect and cared for accordingly. In the workplace, if a worker is being exposed to noise above 85 decibels, their employer must organise audio-metric tests for them, to ensure that their hearing is not being damaged. However these options are not always convenient, possible or desirable. Musicians and machine-operators are not the only people putting themselves at risk; those who drive noisy motorbikes can put themselves at risk of audio-impairment, as can those involved in certain sports, such as shooting.As well as preventing hearing damage, earplugs can serve other purposes; earplugs designed for swimmers can help prevent ear infections due to the build up of bacteria in a wet ear canal.

There are custom earplugs designed for all sorts of lifestyles: motorcyclists, machine workers, factory workers, hunters and marksmen, as well as fashionable plugs for clubbers.Do you sometimes have a ringing or buzzing in your ears after being exposed to loud noise? Do you or your co-workers have to speak loudly or shout to talk at work? Do you often think that people are mumbling much more than they used to? According to the governments website, if you answer yes to any of these questions, then it is possible that you are being overexposed to noise. Designed specifically for those in the music industry, such as DJs and performing musicians, these are available in different grades of attenuation, allowing the individual to decide which are the most appropriate for their particular circumstances.

Custom ear plugs offer a great solution to the problems of a noisy environment, when it may not be possible or convenient to regularly remove yourself from the source of the noise. However, there are certain situations that even custom earplugs cannot cater for, such as the noise levels played through headphones on a personal stereo; in these cases, common sense must be employed to reduce any unnecessary risks.Custom earplugs are another option.Health experts recommend measures such as taking a break of ten minutes every hour from the noise  or longer ones, depending on the levels, moving as far away from the noise as possible and having noise-free days, as most damage is from repeated exposure. While hearing will naturally deteriorate to some degree as we age, the proper precautions can ensure that your hearing does not come to a premature end.



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